Our mission is firmly rooted in loving God with our entire being (Luke 10:27) and training multiple generations to follow Christ as a way of life (Matthew 28:18-20).
We gather together as God's people every Sunday at 10:00am.
We continue to grow as God's people through our weekly small groups.
We go through our serving, missions, and volunteering.
Hope Church Believes:
Salvation is by grace only and comes as a consequence of placing our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments are divinely inspired and that they are the infallible authority for the Christian.
Christians have a mandate to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, beginning at home and then proclaiming it throughout the world.
Christians must publicly affirm their acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior through the ordinance of Believers’ Baptism by immersion.
Church membership is only for those who have personally experienced the saving grace of Jesus Christ and have demonstrated their faith in living and through baptism.
Our lifestyle must reflect our Christian principles and beliefs.
The church must be separate from the state and that it act in a democratic fashion with all members equal.
The Lord Jesus Christ will return bodily to this earth and that his ultimate kingdom and reign will be established.
There will be a bodily resurrection of the just and unjust. The just to everlasting enjoyment of eternal life (in heaven with God); the unjust to everlasting separation from God (in hell).